Primary gluconeogenic precursors used by the liver are lactate, glycerol, and amino acids
(alanine, glutamine)
Lactate metabolism:
Released by skeletal muscle after breakdown of endogenous glycogen stores and after
glycolysis of transported glucose
Released by RBCs and WBCs after anaerobic glycolysis
Converted into glucose in the liver by the Cori cycle (provides up to 40% of plasma
glucose during starvation)
Protein Metabolism
Amount of glucose made from lactate and glycerol is not sufficient to maintain glucose
75 gm of protein must be broken-down daily during fasting to provide gluconeogenic precursors
to the liver
Mobilized protein is primarily from skeletal muscle, but loss of protein from other organs
does occur
Proteolysis results from ↓ insulin, ↑ cortisol
Urinary nitrogen excretion is increased within the initial 5 days of fasting
After 5 days, rate of proteolysis decreases to 15 - 20 gm/day
Reduction in proteolysis occurs as the nervous system and other glucose-utilizing tissues
adapt to ketone oxidation as the major energy source
Lipid Metabolism
160 grams/day of triglycerides are mobilized from adipose tissue in the form of free fatty acids
(FFAs) and glycerol
FFA release is stimulated by ↓ insulin, ↑ glucagon, ↑ epinephrine
FFAs are converted into ketone bodies in the liver
FFAs, ketone bodies are used as an energy source by the heart, kidney, muscle, liver
Lipid stores provide up to 40% of the caloric expenditure during starvation
Extended Starvation
Basal calorie requirement decreases to 1500 kcal/day
Reduction in resting energy expenditure is a consequence of decreased sympathetic nervous system
activity and reduced skeletal muscle activity
Liver glycogen stores are depleted
Diminished use of muscle protein as a gluconeogenic precursor (15 - 20 gm/day)
Gluconeogenesis from amino acids now takes place mainly in the kidneys
Brain is using ketones
Ketones meet 70% of body’s energy requirements
Metabolic Changes During Fasting
Metabolic Response to Injury
Metabolic consequences of injury differ in many fundamental ways from those of simple starvation
Sustained activities of hormones in conjunction with immune cell activation provides the signals
that differentiate injury metabolism from starvation
In starvation, the body responds by conserving energy and protein; during injury, there is an
obligate increase in energy expenditure and nitrogen excretion
Inability to down-regulate the body’s energy expenditure and nitrogen losses may rapidly deplete
energy stores
Post-injury metabolic environment precludes the efficient oxidation of fat and ketone production,
thereby promoting the continued erosion of protein pools
If unchecked, this net protein catabolism results in critical organ failure
Energy Balance
In 1930, Sir David Cuthherston divided the metabolic response to injury into Ebb and Flow
Ernest Moore added the Recovery (or Anabolic) phase to this model
Ebb Phase
Occurs in the first 24 hours after injury
Associated with:
Hemodynamic instability or reductions in effective circulating volume
Decreased energy expenditure and oxygen consumption
In severe injury, without resuscitation, the patient will die
Flow Phase
Initiated by compensatory mechanisms resulting from volume repletion and cessation of
initial injury conditions
characterized by:
Increased metabolic rate and oxygen consumption
Restoration of blood volume
Generation of acute-phase reactants, immunoreactive proteins, and coagulation factors
Energy and protein substrates are directed to preserve critical organ function and repair
damaged tissues
↑ energy expenditure and ↑ oxygen consumption varies directly with the severity of
the injury
↑ energy expenditure results from ↑ activity of the sympathetic nervous
system and ↑ concentrations of circulating catecholamines
Cortisol excess does not enhance energy expenditure
Early Anabolic Phase
Occurs within 3 to 8 days after elective surgery, weeks after sepsis, or months after severe
burn injuries
Corticoid-withdrawal phase
Characterized by a sharp decrease in nitrogen excretion, indicating a positive nitrogen balance
with net protein synthesis
Results in synthesis of tissue repair and anabolic factors such as IGF-1
Clinical manifestations include diuresis of retained water and renewed interest in oral nutrition
Phase may last a few weeks to a few months, depending on the capacity to ingest adequate
nutrition and the extent to which erosion of protein stores has occurred
Gain in weight and muscular strength is much slower than the rate of initial loss
Overall amount of nitrogen gain equals the amount lost during the catabolic phase
Late Anabolic Phase
Gradual restoration of fat stores
Nitrogen balance becomes normal
Weight gain is much slower during this phase
Phase ends with a gradual return to the previously normal body weight
Summary of the Ebb and Flow Phases of Injury
Carbohydrate Metabolism
Systemic glucose intolerance in injured patients is the norm
Plasma glucose levels are proportional to the severity of the injury
Insulin levels are elevated, indicating a state of relative insulin resistance
hepatic glucose production:
Increased by 50 to 100%
occurs at the expense of protein stores (alanine, glutamine)
Primarily under the control of glucagon and cortisol, with assistance from IL-6
Not suppressed by administering exogenous glucose
Hyperglycemia provides a ready source of substrate to tissues which do not require insulin for
glucose transport
Wound inflammatory cells require glucose as an energy substrate
Lipid Metabolism
FFAs are a principal source of energy after injury (50 – 80%)
Lipolysis is enhanced by ↑ cortisol, ↑ catechols, ↑ GH, ↑ glucagon,
↑ sympathetic nervous system activity, ↓ insulin
FFAs are transported by albumin to tissues requiring this fuel source (heart, skeletal muscle)
Increased lipolysis also results in hepatic ketogenesis
Many tissues can use ketones for energy, but ketogenesis is variable and is inversely
proportional to the severity of injury
Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism
Intake of protein is approximately 80 - 120 gm/day or 13 - 20 gm of nitrogen/day
injury is associated with ↑ proteolysis and ↑ urinary excretion of nitrogen →
net loss in lean body mass is as high as 1.5% per day
Amino acids:
Not a viable long term fuel source
Provide substrates for gluconeogenesis
Used to synthesize acute phase reactants and coagulation factors
Release of glutamine and alanine is greater than their relative abundance in muscle, indicating
their net synthesis before their release
Glutamine is a major energy source for lymphocytes, fibroblasts, and the GI tract
Skeletal muscle is depleted while visceral tissues are relatively preserved
After severe injury, negative nitrogen balance may persist for weeks or months
Insulin resistance, cortisol excess, and cytokines exert a synergistic effect on skeletal muscle
Nutritional Assessment and Requirements
Assessing Malnutrition
No universal definition of what constitutes malnutrition
BMI is an imperfect measure of nutritional status
Laboratory markers such as albumin, prealbumin, and transferrin are of limited value in
hospitalized patients
Clinically, malnutrition can be accurately diagnosed if two or more of the following criteria
are present:
Insufficient energy intake
Weight loss > 5% of usual weight over 6 – 12 months
Loss of muscle mass (temples, quadriceps)
Loss of subcutaneous fat (areas with loose or hanging skin)
Localized or generalized edema
Decreased functional status
Weak handgrip strength
Consequences of Malnutrition in the Surgical Patient
Increased susceptibility to infection
Poor wound healing
Increased frequency of decubitus ulcers
Overgrowth of bacteria in the GI tract
Determination of Energy Requirements
Calorie and protein requirements depend on the extent of injury and degree of malnutrition present
25 – 30 kcal/kg/day is a reasonable estimate of caloric needs in injured patients
Basal energy requirements can be measured by indirect calorimetry or estimated from the
Harris-Benedict equation
Indirect Calorimetry
Performed using a bedside metabolic cart which measures oxygen consumption and carbon
dioxide production
Most accurate method of measuring basal energy expenditure, but it is not readily available
and is labor intensive
Harris-Benedict Equation
Less accurate than indirect calorimetry
Result must be multiplied by a stress factor (1.3 – 1.8) for severely injured patients
Substrate Requirements
Glucose (Dextrose)
Provides the nonprotein calorie requirement (3.4 kcal/gm)
Serve as a source of the essential fatty acids linoleic acid and linolenic acid
Dense source of calories: 9 kcal/gm
Particularly useful in patients intolerant of high dextrose concentrations
Lipids are associated with immune suppression, modulation of the inflammatory response,
and adverse clinical outcomes
optimal use of lipids remains unclear
Not stored like carbohydrates or lipids
Must provide an exogenous source of 8 essential amino acids
protein requirements:
Normal daily protein requirement is 0.8 gm/kg/day
In fasted surgical patients, 1.0 to 1.5 gm/kg/day is sufficient
Severely injured patients may require up to 2.5 gm/kg/day
Given as 20% of total calories
Provides 4.0 kcal/gm
Vitamins, Minerals, Trace Minerals
13 essential vitamins
Minerals are structural components of bone (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc) or
function as charged ions (sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, magnesium)
Trace minerals (iron, zinc, copper, selenium) are components of metalloproteins and metalloenzymes
Routes of Administration
Enteral Nutrition
Nutritional route of choice if the gut is usable - disuse of the gut results in mucosal atrophy,
altered mucosal defenses, and bacterial overgrowth
Fewer septic complications than parenteral nutrition
In trauma patients, most studies show decreased infectious complications in patients given
early enteral nutrition (within first 24 – 48 hours)
Bowel sounds or passage of flatus or stool are not prerequisites for starting enteral feedings
Bowel resections, low output fistulas, or open abdomens are not contraindications
If gastroparesis is present, feedings should be administered distal to the pylorus
Feeding should begin once the patient is hemodynamically stable
Meeting 100% of caloric goals is not necessary to see the benefits of enteral nutrition
Nasogastric Tubes
Used only in patients with intact mentation and protective laryngeal
reflexes because of the aspiration risk
Contraindicated in patients with gastroparesis
Frequently dislodged
Placement requires x-ray confirmation
Indicated for short term use only (< 1 month)
Nasoenteric Tubes
Difficult to position in the jejunum without fluoroscopy
Lower risk of aspiration compared to NG tubes
Easily clogged, kinked, or dislodged
PEG Tubes
Similar risks and contraindications as nasogastric tubes
Ascites, coagulopathy, and inability to transilluminate the anterior stomach
against the abdominal wall are contraindications
Serious complications occur in 3%
Allow bolus feedings
Indicated for long term use
PEG-J Tubes
Inserted through an existing PEG tube into the jejunum
Surgical Gastrostomy
Open or laparoscopic placement
Usually performed when PEG tube placement is unsuccessful or contraindicated
Surgical Jejunostomy Tube
Often placed during complex abdominal/trauma surgery
Complications of Enteral Nutrition
Intolerance, aspiration, metabolic abnormalities, and mechanical problems with the access
Abdominal Distention, Cramps, Diarrhea
Associated with solute overload of hyperosmolar solution
Corrected by temporarily holding feedings, and then resuming at a slower rate
Diluting the formula may also be helpful
Rarely can progress to pneumatosis intestinalis and small bowel necrosis
Parenteral Nutrition
Continuous infusion of a hyperosmolar solution containing glucose, protein, lipids, and
other essential vitamins through a catheter placed into the SVC
Associated with more complications than enteral feeding
In patients without preexisting malnutrition, several studies have shown that TPN was
detrimental when compared to no nutritional support in the acute setting for short
durations (< 7 days)
No advantage to combining TPN with enteral nutrition
GI tract is temporarily or permanently unusable (high output fistulas, prolonged
ileus, short gut)