portal vein is formed from the confluence of the superior mesenteric and splenic veins
left gastric, or coronary vein, drains the distal esophagus and lesser curvature of the
stomach and enters the portal vein near its origin
normal portal venous pressure is between 5 and 10 mm Hg, and is 1 to 5 mm Hg higher than IVC pressure
portal hypertension refers to an elevated pressure within the portal venous system, and becomes clinically significant
when portal pressures are more than 10 mm Hg greater than IVC pressure (varices, ascites)
portal hypertension develops when there is resistance to portal blood flow and is worsened
by increased splanchnic blood flow
Increased Resistance to Portal Blood Flow
results from structural changes in the liver microcirculation by fibrosis, nodules, angiogenesis,
and occlusion
increased vasoconstrictor production in the liver also results in contraction of the hepatic sinusoids
Increased Splanchnic Blood Flow
results from local release of splanchnic vasodilators that cause arteriolar vasodilation and angiogenesis
besides increasing portal blood flow, these changes trigger aldosterone and ADH production, resulting in
increased plasma volume expansion and ascites
there are 2 main mechanisms for the development of portal hypertension: 1) ↑ portal venous inflow
(massive splenomegaly, splenic arteriovenous fistula); 2) ↑ portal venous resistance
↑ portal venous resistance is by far the most common mechanism and portal hypertension may
be classified according to the site of resistance
Prehepatic Portal Hypertension
Portal Vein Thrombosis
accounts for 50% of cases of portal hypertension in children
hepatocellular function is usually normal
collateral vessels often develop to restore portal perfusion (cavernomatous
transformation of the portal vein)
infection may be the underlying etiologic factor
Splenic Vein Thrombosis
usually secondary to pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer
result is gastrosplenic venous hypertension, while superior mesenteric and
portal venous pressures remain normal
left gastroepiploic vein becomes a major collateral vessel
gastric varices are more prominent than esophageal varices
splenectomy is curative
Intrahepatic Portal Hypertension
accounts for over 90% of cases
may be classified according to the level of intrahepatic obstruction
most common cause worldwide is schistosomiasis
no impairment of hepatic function until late in the disease
alcoholic cirrhosis is the most common etiology in the United States
results from collagen deposition in the space of Disse
hepatic vein thrombosis (Budd-Chiari syndrome)
Posthepatic Portal Hypertension
may result from constrictive pericarditis or heart failure
Portosystemic Collaterals
portal hypertension stimulates the formation of portosystemic collaterals, which divert
blood flow away from the liver
Coronary Vein
blood flows to the esophageal veins, and then to the azygos and hemiazygos veins,
eventually draining into the superior vena cava
most important collateral network clinically because it results in the formation
of gastroesophageal varices
Superior Hemorrhoidal Vein
communicates with the middle and inferior hemorrhoidal veins via the hemorrhoidal plexus,
ultimately draining into the inferior vena cava
Umbilical Vein
blood may flow from the left portal vein through a recanalized umbilical vein into the
superficial veins of the abdominal wall and epigastric venous system
clinically may be recognized as caput medusae
Retroperitoneal Veins
veins of Retzius form an anastomosis between the mesenteric and peritoneal veins and
empty into the inferior vena cava
Gastroesophageal Varices
bleeding from gastroesophageal varices is responsible for one out of three deaths from cirrhosis
veins in the submucosal plexus of the esophagus and proximal stomach are part of the collateral
network that diverts high pressure portal flow from the coronary vein to the azygos system
varices do not develop until portal pressure exceeds IVC pressure by 10 mm Hg
as the submucosal veins dilate, the overlying mucosa may erode
rupture has been ascribed to 2 factors: 1) increased tension within the varix, and
2) ulceration secondary to acid reflux and esophagitis
bleeding occurs in only 33% of cirrhotic patients with varices
Treatment of Acute Hemorrhage
first priority is the restoration of circulating blood volume
need multiple large-bore IVs
initial resuscitation should be with isotonic crystalloid solutions; blood should be typed
and crossmatched for 6 units
if the prothrombin time is prolonged, then FFP should be part of the resuscitation fluids
platelets are necessary only if the platelet count is less than 50,000
upper endoscopy is mandatory after the patient is stabilized to establish the
cause of bleeding
in cirrhotic patients, varices are the source of bleeding in ~ 50% of patients
other common sources of bleeding include portal hypertensive gastropathy, duodenal ulcer,
Mallory-Weiss tear, gastric varices
Control of Bleeding
Endoscopic Therapy
rubber band ligation is the most commonly used modality to control an acute
bleeding episode
successful in 85% of patients with esophageal varices but is generally
unsuccessful in patients with gastric varices
sclerotherapy may be attempted if band ligation is not available
after resuscitation, vasoactive drugs should be started, and band
ligation performed
reduces variceal pressure by reducing variceal blood flow
octreotide (somatostatin) may initially control the bleeding, but the combination of octreotide
and band ligation is most effective at stopping acute bleeding
octreotide has minimal adverse effects
in severe cases, vasopressin can be used to reduce splanchnic blood flow
vasopressin has many serious side effects, including hypertension, bradycardia,
decreased cardiac output, and coronary vasoconstriction
most of these side effects of vasopressin can be mitigated by the simultaneous
infusion of nitroglycerin
antibiotics reduce infections, decrease rebleeding, and improve survival
Balloon Tamponade
major advantages of this device are its widespread availability and its high success
rate in stopping bleeding (85%)
major disadvantages include a high rebleeding rate after balloon deflation, patient
discomfort, patient must be intubated, and many potentially lethal complications
lethal complications include:
esophageal perforation as a result of inflating the gastric balloon in the esophagus
ischemic necrosis of the esophagus as a result of overinflating the esophageal balloon
or leaving it inflated for too long (> 36 hrs)
indications for use include:
the lack of availability of endoscopic therapy
exsanguinating bleeding preventing the use of endoscopy
failed endoscopic and pharmacologic therapy
because the rebleeding rate is high following balloon deflation, most patients will
require definitive treatment (endoscopic therapy, TIPS, or surgery)
accomplishes portal decompression without an operation
requires an experienced interventional radiologist
a 10-mm expandable PTFE covered stent is placed between a hepatic vein and a major
intrahepatic portal venous branch, creating the shunt
success rate is 90% in acutely bleeding patients
not recommended as initial therapy for acute variceal hemorrhage, but should be
used only after endoscopic therapy and pharmacotherapy have failed to
control the bleeding
one clear indication for TIPS is as a short-term bridge to liver transplantation
when endoscopic therapy has failed
TIPS functions as a nonselective side-to-side shunt and so worsening of
encephalopathy is a side effect
shunt stenosis or occlusion occurs in 50% of patients within 1 year of TIPS insertion - in most
cases, shunt patency can be reestablished by the interventional radiologist
Emergency Surgery
reserved for situations when less invasive methods to stop bleeding are
unsuccessful or not available
the most common indications include failure of acute endoscopic therapy,
gastric varices, or portal hypertensive gastropathy
esophageal transection with a stapling device is quick and relatively simple,
but rebleeding rates are high
most commonly performed operation is the portacaval shunt
mortality rate is ~ 25%
Prevention of Recurrent Hemorrhage
once a patient has bled from varices, the likelihood of a repeat episode exceeds 70%
nonselective beta-blockers (propranolol) reduce the risk of recurrent hemorrhage by
about 20%
combination therapy with a beta-blocker and long-acting nitrate (isosorbide) is
even more effective
no easily measured hemodynamic index to monitor therapy
Endoscopic Therapy
variceal endoscopic banding is the most common method for prevention of
recurrent hemorrhage
the goal is to eradicate varices
combination therapy with ligation and beta-blockers is most effective at
preventing recurrent bleeding
treatment failure resulting in rebleeding occurs in ~33% to 50% of patients
should not be used in noncompliant patients and patients who live a long distance
from advanced medical care
being increasingly used as definitive treatment
major limitation has been the high rate of shunt stenosis or thrombosis (50%)
stenosis from neointimal hyperplasia can often be fixed by balloon dilation
PTFE covered stents have reduced the incidence of shunt stenosis and thrombosis
ideal treatment for patients who need only short-term portal decompression
(liver transplant candidates, patients with limited life expectancies)
fewer rebleeding episodes after TIPS (19%) than endoscopic therapy (47%)
also effectively treats intractable ascites
encephalopathy is worsened
liver failure is accelerated
Portosystemic Shunts
most effective means of preventing recurrent hemorrhage in patients with
portal hypertension
procedures work by decompressing the high pressure portal venous system into the
low pressure systemic venous system
however, diversion of portal flow, which contains hepatotrophic hormones, nutrients,
and cerebral toxins, is also responsible for the side effects of
shunt procedures: encephalopathy and accelerated liver failure
shunts may completely (nonselectively) or partially (selectively) divert portal flow
Nonselective Shunts
completely divert portal flow and decompress the entire portal
venous circulation
primarily used in emergency settings when a TIPS cannot be performed
or when a TIPS fails
End-to-Side Portocaval Shunt
effective in preventing recurrent variceal bleeding
since it does not decompress the hepatic sinusoids, this shunt does
not alleviate ascites
no increased survival over conventional medical management
cause of death is related to accelerated liver failure
Side-to-Side Portocaval Shunt
in addition to preventing recurrent bleeding, this shunt relieves
medically intractable ascites
Interposition Shunts
may be constructed with a synthetic graft or autogenous vein
(internal jugular)
most common varieties are the portocaval, mesocaval, and mesorenal
mesocaval shunt is often selected if hepatic transplantation is
being considered since dissection in the hepatic hilum is avoided
a major disadvantage of synthetic interposition grafts is a high
postoperative graft thrombosis rate
encephalopathy and accelerated liver failure are side effects
effectively relieves ascites
Conventional Splenorenal Shunt
consists of anastomosing the proximal splenic vein to the renal vein
splenectomy is also required and so this shunt has been advocated
when hypersplenism causes severe thrombocytopenia or leukopenia
since the smaller proximal splenic vein is used for the anastomosis,
shunt thrombosis is rather frequent
Selective Shunts
goal is to selectively decompress the portal venous system, maintaining
some portal perfusion in the hope of minimizing encephalopathy and
accelerated hepatic failure
Distal Splenorenal Shunt
consists of an anastomosis between the distal end of the splenic vein
to the side of the left renal vein
also consists of ligation of the coronary and gastroepiploic veins
result is to disconnect the superior mesenteric and gastrosplenic
components of the portal venous system
the gastrosplenic venous system is decompressed but the superior
mesenteric system remains a high-pressure system, allowing portal
perfusion of the liver
50% of patients lose portal flow within a year because the mesenteric
system gradually collateralizes into the low pressure
gastrosplenic system
because sinusoidal and mesenteric hypertension remains, and important
lymphatic channels are disrupted during dissection of the left
renal vein, this shunt worsens ascites
previous splenectomy and a small splenic vein (< 7 mm) are
contraindications for this procedure
as effective as nonselective shunts in preventing rebleeding
associated with lower encephalopathy rates than nonselective shunts
survival rates are similar between both types of shunt
Partial Shunts
small diameter (<10 mm) interposition portocaval shunt combined with
ligation of the coronary vein and other collaterals
goal is the same as for selective shunts: decompression of varices while
maintaining some hepatic portal perfusion
less encephalopathy associated with partial shunts than with nonselective
interposition shunts
similar rebleeding and survival rates
Nonshunt Operations
Esophageal Transection
goal is ablation of varices
transection and reanastomosis of the esophagus is performed using the
EEA stapling device
not commonly done because of the high incidence of recurrent hemorrhage
Sugiura Procedure
consists of esophageal transection, extensive esophagogastric
devascularization, and splenectomy
coronary vein and paraesophageal veins are preserved to discourage reformation
of varices
excellent results have been achieved in Japan
curative in cases of gastric varices caused by splenic vein thrombosis
Liver Transplantation
only operation that cures the underlying liver disease as well as providing
portal decompression
purpose is treatment of end-stage liver disease, not variceal bleeding
because of economic factors and a limited supply of donors, liver
transplantation is not widely available
Sabiston, 20th ed., pgs 1436 - 1445
Schwartz, 10th ed., pgs 1277 - 1284
Cameron, 11th ed., pgs 353 - 359
UpToDate. Portal Hypertension in Adults. Wissam Bleibel, MD, Sanjiv Chopra, MD, MACP, Michael Curry, MD.
May 14, 2019. Pgs 1 - 20