superior parathyroids arise from the 4th branchial pouch
inferior parathyroids arise from the 3rd branchial pouch, along with the thymus
Superior Glands
usually near the posterior portion of the upper thyroid lobes
typically are located posterolateral to the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) and superior to the
inferior thyroid artery
ectopic sites are less common than with the inferior glands
when superior glands enlarge, they tend to ‘descend by gravity’ into or along the tracheoesophageal groove
superior glands descend in the posterior plane and they may end up in the carotid sheath or
posterior mediastinum
Inferior Glands
normal inferior glands are more variable in location than superior glands
most common site is within a circle 2 cm in diameter from the posterolateral aspect of the lower
pole of the thyroid
usually lie anteromedially to the RLN
ectopic inferior glands may be found from the angle of the mandible to the anterior-superior mediastinum
(thyrothymic ligament, thymus)
Number of Glands
4 parathyroids are present in most individuals
5 glands have been reported in 6% to 13%
3 glands are present in < 3%
Blood Supply
primary blood supply is from the inferior thyroid artery
superior glands may receive blood from the superior thyroid artery
venous drainage is through the superior, inferior, and middle thyroid veins
Gross and Microscopic Anatomy
each gland measures ~ 3 x 3 x 3 mm and weighs 40 mg
usually are yellow-brown or red-brown and may be difficult to distinguish from surrounding fat
chief cell is the main cell type and is responsible for PTH synthesis and secretion
oxyphil cells and water-clear cells are also present in small numbers and have an unclear function
Parathyroid Physiology
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
single chain peptide consisting of 84 amino acids
hypocalcemia is the primary stimulus for PTH secretion
increased serum phosphate and decreased vitamin D also result in increased PTH secretion
elevated serum calcium, decreased serum phosphate, and hypomagnesemia lead to decreased PTH secretion
Biologic Effects of PTH
acts primarily on the kidneys, bone and GI tract
increases reabsorption of calcium in the distal convoluted tubule
decreases phosphate reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule
converts vitamin D to its active form, calcitriol
increases osteoclast activation and bone resorption, leading to increased serum
calcium and phosphate
GI Tract
indirectly increases calcium absorption in the small intestine by increasing calcitriol
Primary Hyperparathyroidism (PHPT)
most common cause of hypercalcemia
female-to-male ratio is 3:1
most cases are in postmenopausal women
unknown at present
risk factors include head and neck irradiation in childhood, MEN1 and MEN2a
pathologies include a single adenoma (85%), multiple adenomas (4%), or four-gland hyperplasia (10%)
Clinical Manifestations
prior to the advent of routine measurement of serum calcium, the most common symptoms of PHPT were
renal stones (64%), bone disease (20%), peptic ulcer disease (12%) and hypertension (4%)
‘stones, bones, and abdominal groans’
there are many other nonspecific regional symptoms of hypercalcemia
musculoskeletal: muscle, joint, bone pain; weakness
dermatologic: pruritus, brittle nails
today, more than 80% of patients diagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism are ‘asymptomatic’ or
have mild constitutional symptoms such as muscle fatigue and weakness
the classic radiologic finding of osteitis fibrosis cystica with subperiosteal bone resorption is now rarely seen
most of the causes of hypercalcemia can be ruled out by a careful history and physical
PHPT requires an elevated serum calcium along with an elevated or inappropriately normal PTH level
hypophosphatemia is also usually present
vitamin D deficiency will cause a compensatory rise in serum calcium and PTH, and must be ruled out
familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia is the condition most difficult to distinguish from
primary hyperparathyroidism
Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia (FHH)
characterized by hypercalcemia, hypocalciuria, and normal or low PTH levels
results from a loss of function mutation in the calcium sensing receptor gene
a 24 hr urine collection for calcium may be necessary to differentiate FHH from hyperparathyroidism
a value < 100 mg/24 hr is suspicious for PHPT and should be confirmed with a calcium/creatinine
clearance ratio
Indications for Parathyroidectomy
serum calcium > 1 mg/dL above the upper limit of normal
urinary calcium excretion > 400 mg/24 hr
asymptomatic patients < 50 years old
overt symptoms
markedly reduced bone density (T score < 2.5 at any site)
reduced creatinine clearance in the absence of other causes, nephrolithiasis
Preoperative Preparation
Hypercalcemic Crisis
rare in PHPT
life-threatening condition when serum calcium level is greater than 14 mg/dL
volume resuscitation with 0.9 NS is the cornerstone of therapy
calcitonin will rapidly lower serum calcium levels
once urine output is adequate, a loop diuretic can be used to stimulate a calciuresis
bisphosphonates inhibit osteoclast bone resorption, but they take severl days to have an effect
Localization Studies
preoperative localization identifies patients who are candidates for minimally invasive parathyroidectomy
the most common localization studies are neck US and sestamibi scanning
the use of both studies together improves identification and surgical success compared with each test alone
Neck Ultrasound
sensitivity for detecting abnormal parathyroid glands ranges from 76% - 79%
specificity is 96%
normal glands are not visualized
a parathyroid adenoma appears as a hypoechoic mass near the thyroid gland
can also detect concurrent thyroid pathology
cannot detect mediastinal parathyroids
Sestamibi Scanning
technetium 99m sestamibi scan has an affinity for abnormal parathyroid tissue
adding single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) allows 3-d imaging
particularly valuable in identifying ectopic parathyroid adenomas
sensitivity for identifying a single adenoma is 80% to 90%
sensitivity is diminished in multigland disease or thyroid disease
Bilateral Neck Exploration
classic approach
required for patients with nonlocalizing preoperative imaging or multigland disease
one thyroid lobe is mobilized medially and anteriorly by dividing the middle thyroid vein
the recurrent laryngeal nerve and inferior thyroid artery are identified and protected
all parathyroid tissue is identified on one side of the neck, and then the procedure is
repeated on the other side
no parathyroid tissue is removed, normal or abnormal, until the anatomy and pathology have been
clarified bilaterally
the operating surgeon, not the pathologist, determines whether the patient has an adenoma or
multigland hyperplasia
if no abnormal parathyroid tissue is found, identifying all the normal glands will help direct
the search for the missing gland
if an inferior gland is missing, then the thyrothymic ligament and cervical thymus should be explored
inferior glands may also be in a subcapsular location with respect to the thyroid gland - a true
intrathyroidal parathyroid gland is extremely rare
if a superior gland is missing, it is often found in a position posterior to the inferior glands
superior glands may be found in the tracheoesophageal groove, carotid sheath, behind the larynx or trachea,
or in the posterior mediastinum
if the adenoma cannot be found then the procedure should be terminated, and the patient reevaluated
occasionally the blood supply to the missing gland will be divided during the dissection and the patient
will be normocalcemic postop
a formal mediastinal exploration (sternotomy) should not be performed at the initial operation
Minimally Invasive Parathyroid Exploration
patients who have a solitary adenoma localized preop are candidates for a focused parathyroidectomy
need to have available an intraoperative PTH assay
in the operating room a baseline PTH is drawn
a small neck incision is then made, guided by the sestamibi scan or US
the goal is to identify the single adenoma and remove it
after the abnormal gland is removed, a postresection PTH assay is performed 10 minutes later
the procedure is terminated if the PTH falls 50% from baseline (Miami criterion)
if the PTH remains > 50% above baseline, additional samples are drawn
if the PTH still remains > 50% above baseline, the exploration is continued either on the ipsilateral or
contralateral side of the neck
general anesthesia is not required in every case
Management of Multigland Disease
Subtotal Parathyroidectomy
if all 4 glands are enlarged, resection of 3½ glands is the preferred procedure
leaving the remnant in situ has a higher incidence of parathyroid viability and a decreased
incidence of permanent hypoparathyroidism when compared with total parathyroidectomy
and autotransplantation
the most normal appearing gland is the one that should be divided
the remnant should be marked with a clip or a suture to facilitate identification if
reoperation is required
in familial disease, the cervical thymus should also be resected since the incidence of
supernumerary glands is higher, particularly in MEN-I
Total Parathyroidectomy and Autotransplantation
multiple minced 1 mm fragments of parathyroid tissue are placed in the nondominant brachioradialis
muscle of the forearm
additional parathyroid tissue can be cryopreserved in case of graft failure
advantage of this procedure is that if recurrent hyperparathyroidism occurs, treatment requires
only removing some of the grafts under a local anesthetic and a redo neck exploration is avoided
graft-dependent hyperparathyroidism can be diagnosed by demonstrating a gradient in PTH levels
between both arms
grafts may also be imaged using sestamibi
temporary hypocalcemia is common because the remaining parathyroid tissue has been chronically suppressed
postoperative calcium and vitamin D should be given until the remaining glands regain function
permanent hypoparathyroidism is very rare after adenoma excision
Persistent Hyperparathyroidism
primary reason is an ‘improperly performed primary operation’ - most missed glands are found in the neck
first step is to reconfirm the diagnosis (r/o FHH, vitamin D deficiency)
review previous operative notes and pathology reports
if all localizing studies are negative, blind exploration should not be performed
reoperative cure rates are 10% to 20% lower (80% - 90%)
postoperative complications are 3 to 5 times higher
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
develops in patients with chronic renal failure, intestinal malabsorption, or vitamin D deficiency
calcium and phosphorus levels are inversely related
in CRF, hypocalcemia occurs secondary to hyperphosphatemia
parathyroid glands secrete PTH in an attempt to counteract the hypocalcemic effects of renal failure
also, diminished renal function leads to decreased production of Vitamin D
in malabsorption syndromes, poor calcium and vitamin D absorption leads to hypocalcemia and increased PTH secretion
Clinical Manifestations
severe bone pain, proximal muscle pain
fatigue, mental status changes
less common symptoms include pruritus, soft-tissue calcifications, or calciphylaxis
fractures may occur secondary to bone resorption
Medical Management
initial approach
in renal failure, dietary restriction of phosphate along with consumption of phosphate binders
counteracts the underlying cause
oral calcium supplements and vitamin D are used to manage the hypocalcemia
Cinacalcet is used to reduce PTH secretion by activating the calcium-sensing receptor on
parathyroid chief cells
indications include uncontrollable bone pain, fractures, uncontrollable pruritus, symptomatic
soft-tissue calcifications, calciphylaxis
parathyroid hormone level > 800 in spite of maximal medical therapy
surgical procedure of choice is subtotal parathyroidectomy
total parathyroidectomy with reimplantation is also an option
Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism
represents the continuation of secondary hyperparathyroidism
most commonly occurs in chronic renal failure patients who undergo a renal transplant
the parathyroids, having been under the constant stimulation of hyperphosphatemia and
subsequent hypocalcemia, become autonomous in their production of PTH
since the renal transplant cures the hyperphosphatemia, the patient now becomes hypercalcemic
condition usually corrects itself by one year after transplant
Indications for Surgery
severe hypercalcemia (> 12.5 mg/dL) or symptomatic hyperparathyroidism postoperatively
hypercalcemia that persists for more than one year posttransplant
Parathyroid Carcinoma
Clinical Manifestations
accounts for less than 1% of cases of hyperparathyroidism
palpable neck mass is present in 40% to 50% of cases
serum calcium is usually > 13.0 mg/dL; PTH levels are elevated tenfold
patients are usually symptomatic from the hyperparathyroidism (bone disease, renal insufficiency,
usually there is invasion through the capsule to involve surrounding structures
treatment is en bloc resection of the tumor and the involved surrounding structures
neck dissection is indicated for suspicious nodes
radiation therapy may help in controlling local disease
resection of local recurrences or metastatic disease is indicated to control the metabolic
effects of hypercalcemia